Saturday, January 23, 2010


Last weekend, Rachael and I went to Joann's to look at fake flowers for the wedding day bouquets. We ended up buying several stems of bright pink, white, and orangey pink ones, along with a pom pom looking stem just because i loved it. After pulling each stem we bought apart into single flowers and leaves, we reconstructed them into bouquets for the bridesmaids and a bouquet for me to use. Around the stems are bright pink ribbon to hide the very haphazard tape that holds everything together. Pictures to come as soon as I can find my camera charger...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Final Dresses for Wedding

It has been a while since I last posted. Below are the dresses we all decided on for the wedding, we're doing all different colors instead of just pink. I am really excited about the way it looks together!

From left to right is Mermaid (Rachael), Guava (Lesly), my dress in the middle, Palm Beach Coral (Megan) and Sangria (Kathy). Dresses courtesy of

Ryan decided to go with black suits for the guys with black ties. I think he may decide to do the skinny tie thing, but not sure yet. He is also thinking about getting a derby hat to wear (cute!) and a vest from Goodwill.